Buckle up your shoes and batten down your hats here come the Rodchenko Kwartet! A musical Rubik's Cube they may be but these dudes ain't no squares, Daddio! The argot of hepcats shouldn't nail them as Jass Babies because they dance around the edges of a myriad of genres, scenes and movements, leaving behind more than they take. A freakish mongrel yelp confounds a mathematical conurbation of beats, while baubles of shimmering and sparkling keys send Rodchenko Kwartet limbo dancing and frugging their way into your hearts and your minds.
You will often find the Kwartet humming along to the sound of a vacuum cleaner or dancing to the spinning rhythms of a pounding washing machine at full tilt; or even drifting through the industrial zone listening for steam hammers and the chug of ancient machines: They find choons in every crook and nanny (sic) so why not join them on their time-warped journey through 'Les convulsions de Paris' from Spodyody Records and shake your bones and swing your fleshy bits until you fall dizzy to the floor!
'Les Convulsions de Paris' by Rodchenko Kwartet out now on Band Camp, iTunes, Amazon, Spotify and Deezer!